As you might find, languages, like cultures, have been influencing eachother in geographically nearby regions due to neighboring activities such astrading, in the thousands of years in human history. Japanese language andculture surely had been influenced by Chinese, as another example. Germanand Dutch probably shared close relationship as ell, even though I'm noexpert in European history.
As for Mongols, it as a long story...Even though Mongolia is an independentcountry no, it had a very long interactive history ith China. and thereare lot of Ethnic Mongolian people (Chinese citizen) living in China, mostlyin the Inner Mongolia province on the north border beteen the tocountries. They preserved much of their cultures, still speak their language( as ell as Manderin Chinese as it's the standard language in China, asEnglish in the US regardless of here your ancestors are from), and singtheir songs in their ays.
To sho a larger picture, here is a nice one:.paulnoll.com/China/Minorities/China-Nationalities.html
You can click the links to see pictures of those ethnic minority people andread about their interesting culture. Many of them probably don't look likethe "typical" Chinese in terms of their faces and costumes. But that's hothe Chinese policies allo and encourage them to preserve as members of thelarge multi-cultural family.
I guess there's something hard for many people to understand, that China hasbeen a nation ith multi-ethnic history and cultures for a long time, asAmerican people might proudly say in another 2000 years...For example, Isuspect my father's side of the family actually has ethnic minority heritagefor they are from a southern island in China close to Thailand, and I looklike Thai or Burmese according to some people from those countries. I'mpersonally proud of my large and historical home country. And it's been ahurtful thing to see people in the estern orld, ithout knoing much aboutsome facts, so hole heartily determined to break my home country apart. It's especially hurtful to see some talented artists like you, Bjork andothers, using their beautiful styles and influences to spread the campaignith no regard of some basic truth and the feeling of the Chinese (including Hans, Tibetans, and others).
我猜想对于有些人来说,很难真正的体会和理解中国这样一个有着悠久的多民族多文化国家,象美国人民也许还需要2000年的时间才能这样自豪的自我宣称。例如,我很怀疑我爹那边儿的家族其实有着少数民族血统的,他们从中国南方的一个靠近泰国的岛上迁徙到内陆,而我看起来比较象泰国人或者缅甸人[翻译的人说: 某唐你比泰国人或者缅甸人好看多了]。我个人非常为我的祖国有着广袤悠久的历史而感到自豪,所以当我看到西方社会在不充分了解事实的情况下,就全心全意的想分裂我的祖国,我感到非常的痛苦。尤其是看到有些富有才华的艺术家们,例如你[翻译的人说:这人照片拍的可以,就是除了照片之外就没有什么 sense],比约克[翻译的人说:这是个没有什么品味的大傻差],还有其他的各位,在根本不考虑中国人(包括汉人,藏人和其他民族的人)的感受和基本事实的情况下,利用你们美化过的方式和影响力来传播这种分裂意识。
Again, I hope communication ill help all of us understand each other better. And I hope my kind efforts ould help bring us closer, to build arelatively better orld.
i understand hat you are trying to say, but it stil doesn't look right tome if you take a toy from someone it doesn't mean it's yours, but that is akarma issue so for example if france ould invade my country it doesn't makeme french, it's as simple as that,also the scriptures you are shoing meare all arabic scriptures or derivated from arabic, so it still doesn't lookat all like tibetan
mabe you can tell me, because i really don't understand, hy they had toinvade tibet, if it as china all along, an invasion shouldn't be neededright?you are of coarse right that i don't kno mutch about the situationthere, but hat they tell us here, and hat people ho fled aay tell usabout it, and people don't just run aay from their country for fun
Part III have to first clarify the fact that the second link I gave you, thoseEgyptian looking characters, as not from Arabic influences. The regionhere it's from is east to Tibet. and Manchurian people originally residedin northeast of China, not far from Japan. Tibetan characters ere mostlikely influence by Hindu for it's location, of course.
As for your question on "hy they had to invade tibet", I did some readingshen this question rose in the past. To be honest, groing up in China, Ididn't learn about the detailed history on this in school. I later readarticles ritten in English and Chinese. I can't say it's the absolute truthand nothing but the truth, but it definitely helped me.
Historically, Tibet had a very close tie ith China for many years. Forexample in fact, the Chinese emperors (many generations, for accurateaccount please search on line.) and their commitee ere involved in decidingon the reborn Dalai and Banchan (Banchan is less knon to the estern orldeven though it's an important role religiously as poerful as Dalai),henthe old ones passed. In another ord, Dalai and Banchan Lamas,as bothspiritual and political leaders in Tibet region in the history, ere chosenon both spiritual/religious basis and political basis, hile Chinesegovernment as a part of the decision making. Another evidence, ratherironic: "In the thirteenth century, Emperor Kublai Khan created the firstGrand Lama, ho as to preside over all the other lamas as might a pope overhis bishops. Several centuries later, the Emperor of China sent an armyinto Tibet to support the Grand Lama, an ambitious 25-year-old man, ho thengave himself the title of Dalai (Ocean) Lama, ruler of all Tibet. Here is ahistorical irony: the first Dalai Lama as installed by a Chinese army." (Quoted from the article belo)
历史上,西藏与中国有着多年的紧密联系,例如,事实上中国皇帝(许多朝代的中国皇帝,具体情况请自己google吧)和他们的执行人,在老一代Dalai和班禅(对西方人来说,班禅没有Dalai那么出名,但事实上他在宗教上的地位是与Dalai一样重要的)去世时,介入他们转世接班人的寻找和决定。所以换句话来说就是,在西藏宗教和历史上作为精神领袖和政治领袖的Dalai和班禅的认定,不仅仅受到精神宗教层面影响,也要参考政治上的因素,所以中国政府(别管哪届哪代政府)在寻找转世灵童的过程中始终担任了重要角色。不无讽刺的是另一个证据,“十三世纪时,忽必烈任命了第一代大喇嘛,负责统治其他的喇嘛们,就像教皇凌驾在其他主教们之上一样。几个世纪后,当时的中国皇帝派出军队进入西*藏支持当时的大喇嘛,他是一个25岁野心勃勃的年轻人,自己给自己命名为Dalai (Ocean) Lama,掌管西藏。所以这其实有些讽刺意味,第一代的Dalai喇嘛其实是在中国军队的帮助下起家的。”(摘自下面的链接文章)
I can's say these proved that Tibet as officially a part of China but it'sobvious that the 2 had a very close relationship. Tibetan culture, includingTibetan Buddhism influenced Mainland Chinese culture as ell as MongulCulture, and Chinese culture, aids, and trades affected the Tibetan's.
In the 1950's after the II, before the "invasion" of the Chinese, Tibetas a desirable spot cecause it's located in the middle of everything. Manycountries anted tibet, including India, China, Russian and the UK. I foundit quite fascinating that the UK and Russian had their hands on it sincethey don't even border Tibet in anyay, nor did they have anything to doith it... You might be interested to read about that part of the history,in short it seemed like a cat-fight to me. e humans love cat-fights throughout history, this one as no difference. The only thing that I think made a"difference" to the estern orld about this one is that China on. Chinanever did in the recent history. Especially it's the Red China under thecommunism party. You kno, it's upsetting and offensive since this gaveChina, the rising poer, a giant piece of land and the glory of victory.ell, I admit this is my interpretation of the estern psyche. You don'thave to agree ith me. But the fact as that many countries anted Tibet andif China didn't claim it, India or Russian or the UK ould have. That said,Tiebt ould NOT have been an independent country anyay. It's a hard truth,I kno, but it's all because our human nature of expanding and poerhunting...
well, could Tibet stay the ay it as if say the UK took it? Let's talkabout hat Tibet as like before the Chinese "invasion". I read severalarticles on this as ell.
所以,如果英国占有了西-藏,它能保持原来的样子吗? 让我们谈谈在所谓的中国“入侵”前,西-藏本来是什么样的吧,我正好也读了一些这个方面的文章。看看这篇文章,它也提到了中国军队帮助第一代Dalai发家的事情。
here is one (it also mentions that the first Dalai Lama as installed byChinese Army, as I as talking about above...):.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html
Evidences pointed to the real Tibet being a brutal slavery society ithdictatorship and extreme inequality. The Tibetan Buddhism, quite differentfrom the imaginary Buddhism e all tend to believe, as not free of bloodquenching tortures. “Religious conflict as commonplace in old Tibet,” “History belies the Shangri-La image of Tibetan lamas and their folloersliving together in mutual tolerance and nonviolent goodill. Indeed, thesituation as quite different. Old Tibet as much more like Europe duringthe religious ars of the Counterreformation.”
I agree that nobody ould flee their home country for fun. I couldunderstand hy the fled Tibetans say so much bad things of the Chinese.Imagine if you ere one of the European lords ruling over thousands ofslaves and serfs, and one day all of a sudden people from the outside orldcame in and took all you had aay, and then you had to run in fear, and thenof course you ant hat you had back and you ant the orld to kno theyare evil people. It happened many times in human history henever there asa revolution of some sorts and hen the rulers ere overthron. Most of thefled Tibetans, in my knoledge, ere the upper class land oners and lamas (ho had the political poer) and not the orking class majority. I don'tkno if you ould agree ith me that the good for the majority is moreimportant than the good to the kings and lords....
Should the UK or India have kept the slavery rules and rulers if they onthe cat fight in the 1950's? I don't think they should or ould. ThereforeTibet ould not have been "100% preserved" politically, as the fled Tibetansould really ant. Culturally, I can't give you hard evidences, but I sadlybelieve that no ancient cultures have had or could in the future survivethis crazy modern orld ithout changing someho... Based on my knoledge onthe Chinese policies to Ethnic minorities, I have to say they are fairlygood, though not perfect. e, as modern liberal artists, don't like to seeany ancient cultures changing from it's original form, but is it thegovernment to blame or the modern technology and market economy? Many peopleI kno in remote regions and poor countries ant to be richer and to gainmore financial freedom and opportunities to advance, they ant to make moremoney and buy the 40-inch flat screen instead of earing their traditional50lb headdress everyday and shutting the school door to young girls. ouldyou call it a forard or backard progress? I really can't tell...
So that as HISTORY. Let's look at Today and Tomorro. ould Tibet become abetter place if e "free" it from China tomorro? I doubt it. As you canread in the article above, the US has been deeply involved in the last 60+years, other countries like India might still ant it, and I unfortunatelydon't trust the the fled Tibetans, ho ere slave lords 60 years ago and don't seem to regret, to build a peaceful society there. ould it do theTibetan people (I mean those ho live in Tibet, hom the esterners don'treally hear from ithout personally visiting Tibet) any good if e start aar tomorro and tear it aay from China from hich they have been receivinga tremendous amount of aids in terms of finance, technology, education, andmedical??? I doubt it.
I understand the fled Tibetans' pain and ill to revenge as the formerrulers. Therefore I question their motives. I also question the motives ofsome of the pro-free-tibet people and countries in the estern orld - hatdo they really ant to see in China and Tibet? Is this hole thing in anyayconstructive? Hatreds and revenge don't make the orld a better place,neither do violent Riot nor one-sided propaganda. I think there could be amillion different perspectives and a million different suggestion on hoTibet should be treated, by hat government, and in hat conditions. ButChina's right of maintaining the integrity of territory should be at leastrespected.
I can't say that Bjork or you are rong for passionately believing in hatyou believe, as an idea for a better orld, because I passionately believein it too. But I think there's a chance that the artists, as ell as manyothers, are used, manipulated and abused by not being offered the hole andreal story. Again, I'm no historian or Tibet issue scholar, I say theseords based on my readings and thinkings. There must be a lot moreinformation e can find on line and in the library that could help us alllearn more about it. I hope e all just become better people in the process.

发信人: Avenue (大道-施主,早死早超生啊), 信区: Writing解释一下起因是flickr上某热烈支持藏独的艺术家贴了张藏族文字,下写“does this look like chinese ”和禁句,然后就是说服教育,不过我把前面关于中文字样不同的讨论去掉了。
标 题: 唐死你系列之科普西藏
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 5 11:51:08 2008)
As you might find, languages, like cultures, have been influencing eachother in geographically nearby regions due to neighboring activities such astrading, in the thousands of years in human history. Japanese language andculture surely had been influenced by Chinese, as another example. Germanand Dutch probably shared close relationship as ell, even though I'm noexpert in European history.
As for Mongols, it as a long story...Even though Mongolia is an independentcountry no, it had a very long interactive history ith China. and thereare lot of Ethnic Mongolian people (Chinese citizen) living in China, mostlyin the Inner Mongolia province on the north border beteen the tocountries. They preserved much of their cultures, still speak their language( as ell as Manderin Chinese as it's the standard language in China, asEnglish in the US regardless of here your ancestors are from), and singtheir songs in their ays.
To sho a larger picture, here is a nice one:.paulnoll.com/China/Minorities/China-Nationalities.html
You can click the links to see pictures of those ethnic minority people andread about their interesting culture. Many of them probably don't look likethe "typical" Chinese in terms of their faces and costumes. But that's hothe Chinese policies allo and encourage them to preserve as members of thelarge multi-cultural family.
I guess there's something hard for many people to understand, that China hasbeen a nation ith multi-ethnic history and cultures for a long time, asAmerican people might proudly say in another 2000 years...For example, Isuspect my father's side of the family actually has ethnic minority heritagefor they are from a southern island in China close to Thailand, and I looklike Thai or Burmese according to some people from those countries. I'mpersonally proud of my large and historical home country. And it's been ahurtful thing to see people in the estern orld, ithout knoing much aboutsome facts, so hole heartily determined to break my home country apart. It's especially hurtful to see some talented artists like you, Bjork andothers, using their beautiful styles and influences to spread the campaignith no regard of some basic truth and the feeling of the Chinese (including Hans, Tibetans, and others).
我猜想对于有些人来说,很难真正的体会和理解中国这样一个有着悠久的多民族多文化国家,象美国人民也许还需要2000年的时间才能这样自豪的自我宣称。例如,我很怀疑我爹那边儿的家族其实有着少数民族血统的,他们从中国南方的一个靠近泰国的岛上迁徙到内陆,而我看起来比较象泰国人或者缅甸人[翻译的人说: 某唐你比泰国人或者缅甸人好看多了]。我个人非常为我的祖国有着广袤悠久的历史而感到自豪,所以当我看到西方社会在不充分了解事实的情况下,就全心全意的想分裂我的祖国,我感到非常的痛苦。尤其是看到有些富有才华的艺术家们,例如你[翻译的人说:这人照片拍的可以,就是除了照片之外就没有什么 sense],比约克[翻译的人说:这是个没有什么品味的大傻差],还有其他的各位,在根本不考虑中国人(包括汉人,藏人和其他民族的人)的感受和基本事实的情况下,利用你们美化过的方式和影响力来传播这种分裂意识。
Again, I hope communication ill help all of us understand each other better. And I hope my kind efforts ould help bring us closer, to build arelatively better orld.
i understand hat you are trying to say, but it stil doesn't look right tome if you take a toy from someone it doesn't mean it's yours, but that is akarma issue so for example if france ould invade my country it doesn't makeme french, it's as simple as that,also the scriptures you are shoing meare all arabic scriptures or derivated from arabic, so it still doesn't lookat all like tibetan
mabe you can tell me, because i really don't understand, hy they had toinvade tibet, if it as china all along, an invasion shouldn't be neededright?you are of coarse right that i don't kno mutch about the situationthere, but hat they tell us here, and hat people ho fled aay tell usabout it, and people don't just run aay from their country for fun
Part III have to first clarify the fact that the second link I gave you, thoseEgyptian looking characters, as not from Arabic influences. The regionhere it's from is east to Tibet. and Manchurian people originally residedin northeast of China, not far from Japan. Tibetan characters ere mostlikely influence by Hindu for it's location, of course.
As for your question on "hy they had to invade tibet", I did some readingshen this question rose in the past. To be honest, groing up in China, Ididn't learn about the detailed history on this in school. I later readarticles ritten in English and Chinese. I can't say it's the absolute truthand nothing but the truth, but it definitely helped me.
Historically, Tibet had a very close tie ith China for many years. Forexample in fact, the Chinese emperors (many generations, for accurateaccount please search on line.) and their commitee ere involved in decidingon the reborn Dalai and Banchan (Banchan is less knon to the estern orldeven though it's an important role religiously as poerful as Dalai),henthe old ones passed. In another ord, Dalai and Banchan Lamas,as bothspiritual and political leaders in Tibet region in the history, ere chosenon both spiritual/religious basis and political basis, hile Chinesegovernment as a part of the decision making. Another evidence, ratherironic: "In the thirteenth century, Emperor Kublai Khan created the firstGrand Lama, ho as to preside over all the other lamas as might a pope overhis bishops. Several centuries later, the Emperor of China sent an armyinto Tibet to support the Grand Lama, an ambitious 25-year-old man, ho thengave himself the title of Dalai (Ocean) Lama, ruler of all Tibet. Here is ahistorical irony: the first Dalai Lama as installed by a Chinese army." (Quoted from the article belo)
历史上,西藏与中国有着多年的紧密联系,例如,事实上中国皇帝(许多朝代的中国皇帝,具体情况请自己google吧)和他们的执行人,在老一代Dalai和班禅(对西方人来说,班禅没有Dalai那么出名,但事实上他在宗教上的地位是与Dalai一样重要的)去世时,介入他们转世接班人的寻找和决定。所以换句话来说就是,在西藏宗教和历史上作为精神领袖和政治领袖的Dalai和班禅的认定,不仅仅受到精神宗教层面影响,也要参考政治上的因素,所以中国政府(别管哪届哪代政府)在寻找转世灵童的过程中始终担任了重要角色。不无讽刺的是另一个证据,“十三世纪时,忽必烈任命了第一代大喇嘛,负责统治其他的喇嘛们,就像教皇凌驾在其他主教们之上一样。几个世纪后,当时的中国皇帝派出军队进入西*藏支持当时的大喇嘛,他是一个25岁野心勃勃的年轻人,自己给自己命名为Dalai (Ocean) Lama,掌管西藏。所以这其实有些讽刺意味,第一代的Dalai喇嘛其实是在中国军队的帮助下起家的。”(摘自下面的链接文章)
I can's say these proved that Tibet as officially a part of China but it'sobvious that the 2 had a very close relationship. Tibetan culture, includingTibetan Buddhism influenced Mainland Chinese culture as ell as MongulCulture, and Chinese culture, aids, and trades affected the Tibetan's.
In the 1950's after the II, before the "invasion" of the Chinese, Tibetas a desirable spot cecause it's located in the middle of everything. Manycountries anted tibet, including India, China, Russian and the UK. I foundit quite fascinating that the UK and Russian had their hands on it sincethey don't even border Tibet in anyay, nor did they have anything to doith it... You might be interested to read about that part of the history,in short it seemed like a cat-fight to me. e humans love cat-fights throughout history, this one as no difference. The only thing that I think made a"difference" to the estern orld about this one is that China on. Chinanever did in the recent history. Especially it's the Red China under thecommunism party. You kno, it's upsetting and offensive since this gaveChina, the rising poer, a giant piece of land and the glory of victory.ell, I admit this is my interpretation of the estern psyche. You don'thave to agree ith me. But the fact as that many countries anted Tibet andif China didn't claim it, India or Russian or the UK ould have. That said,Tiebt ould NOT have been an independent country anyay. It's a hard truth,I kno, but it's all because our human nature of expanding and poerhunting...
well, could Tibet stay the ay it as if say the UK took it? Let's talkabout hat Tibet as like before the Chinese "invasion". I read severalarticles on this as ell.
所以,如果英国占有了西-藏,它能保持原来的样子吗? 让我们谈谈在所谓的中国“入侵”前,西-藏本来是什么样的吧,我正好也读了一些这个方面的文章。看看这篇文章,它也提到了中国军队帮助第一代Dalai发家的事情。
here is one (it also mentions that the first Dalai Lama as installed byChinese Army, as I as talking about above...):.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html
Evidences pointed to the real Tibet being a brutal slavery society ithdictatorship and extreme inequality. The Tibetan Buddhism, quite differentfrom the imaginary Buddhism e all tend to believe, as not free of bloodquenching tortures. “Religious conflict as commonplace in old Tibet,” “History belies the Shangri-La image of Tibetan lamas and their folloersliving together in mutual tolerance and nonviolent goodill. Indeed, thesituation as quite different. Old Tibet as much more like Europe duringthe religious ars of the Counterreformation.”
I agree that nobody ould flee their home country for fun. I couldunderstand hy the fled Tibetans say so much bad things of the Chinese.Imagine if you ere one of the European lords ruling over thousands ofslaves and serfs, and one day all of a sudden people from the outside orldcame in and took all you had aay, and then you had to run in fear, and thenof course you ant hat you had back and you ant the orld to kno theyare evil people. It happened many times in human history henever there asa revolution of some sorts and hen the rulers ere overthron. Most of thefled Tibetans, in my knoledge, ere the upper class land oners and lamas (ho had the political poer) and not the orking class majority. I don'tkno if you ould agree ith me that the good for the majority is moreimportant than the good to the kings and lords....
Should the UK or India have kept the slavery rules and rulers if they onthe cat fight in the 1950's? I don't think they should or ould. ThereforeTibet ould not have been "100% preserved" politically, as the fled Tibetansould really ant. Culturally, I can't give you hard evidences, but I sadlybelieve that no ancient cultures have had or could in the future survivethis crazy modern orld ithout changing someho... Based on my knoledge onthe Chinese policies to Ethnic minorities, I have to say they are fairlygood, though not perfect. e, as modern liberal artists, don't like to seeany ancient cultures changing from it's original form, but is it thegovernment to blame or the modern technology and market economy? Many peopleI kno in remote regions and poor countries ant to be richer and to gainmore financial freedom and opportunities to advance, they ant to make moremoney and buy the 40-inch flat screen instead of earing their traditional50lb headdress everyday and shutting the school door to young girls. ouldyou call it a forard or backard progress? I really can't tell...
So that as HISTORY. Let's look at Today and Tomorro. ould Tibet become abetter place if e "free" it from China tomorro? I doubt it. As you canread in the article above, the US has been deeply involved in the last 60+years, other countries like India might still ant it, and I unfortunatelydon't trust the the fled Tibetans, ho ere slave lords 60 years ago and don't seem to regret, to build a peaceful society there. ould it do theTibetan people (I mean those ho live in Tibet, hom the esterners don'treally hear from ithout personally visiting Tibet) any good if e start aar tomorro and tear it aay from China from hich they have been receivinga tremendous amount of aids in terms of finance, technology, education, andmedical??? I doubt it.
I understand the fled Tibetans' pain and ill to revenge as the formerrulers. Therefore I question their motives. I also question the motives ofsome of the pro-free-tibet people and countries in the estern orld - hatdo they really ant to see in China and Tibet? Is this hole thing in anyayconstructive? Hatreds and revenge don't make the orld a better place,neither do violent Riot nor one-sided propaganda. I think there could be amillion different perspectives and a million different suggestion on hoTibet should be treated, by hat government, and in hat conditions. ButChina's right of maintaining the integrity of territory should be at leastrespected.
I can't say that Bjork or you are rong for passionately believing in hatyou believe, as an idea for a better orld, because I passionately believein it too. But I think there's a chance that the artists, as ell as manyothers, are used, manipulated and abused by not being offered the hole andreal story. Again, I'm no historian or Tibet issue scholar, I say theseords based on my readings and thinkings. There must be a lot moreinformation e can find on line and in the library that could help us alllearn more about it. I hope e all just become better people in the process.

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